What's Inspected During A Home Inspection
A complete report will be provided covering the following areas:
Structural Hot Water Heater Interior Plumbing (No covered or subsurface sewer lines)
Kitchens Bathrooms Interior Electric
Ventilation Walls/Ceilings/Floors Chimneys/Fireplaces
Roofing Gutters Water Penetration
Downspouts Foundation Doors/Windows
Grading Garage Patios/Decks
Framing Walks/Driveways
Heating Systems and Cooling Systems (temperature permitting)
A home inspection is intended to assist in the evaluation of the overall condition of the dwelling. The inspection is based on an observation of the visible and apparent condition of the structure and its components on the date of the inspection.
The results of this home inspection are not intended to make any representation regarding the presence or absence of latent or concealed defects that are not reasonable ascertainable in a competently performed home inspection. No warranty or guarantee is expressed or implied.
If the person conducting your home inspection is not a licensed structural engineer or other professional whose license authorized the rendering of an opinion as to the structural integrity of a building or its other component parts, you may be advised to seek a professional opinion as to any defects or concerns mentioned in the report.
This home inspection report is not to be construed as an appraisal and may not be used as such for any purpose.